QuickDrain and QuickVac Spa Drain and Vacuum

Need to drain your hot tub without waiting for hours as the gravity drain slowly lets the water run through your garden hose?
The QuickDrain is an innovative backyard product that makes draining a hot tub easy. This is a portable solution that also acts as a vacuum. QuickDrain removes about 10-12 gallons of water from your hot tub per minute.
According to the manufacturer: “Drain your tub up to 5X faster than your tubs internal mechanism and you can “Vacuum it as it Drains”.
You’ll be done in 30 minutes and you won’t have to “towel out the debris”. See the informative video about both QuickDrain and QuickVac. QuickDrain is a draining device and vacuum in one while QuickVac is just a vacuum for removing dirt and debris from your tub in 3-5 minutes.
Buy QuickDrain in Canada at discount prices, or buy QuickVac for an even lower price if you just need a spa vac.
Owning a hot tub is great, but draining the water and keeping it clean can be time consuming and frustrating work. Now there is a portable and effective solution for quickly draining the spa as well as vacuuming at the same time. Before QuickDrain, you had to use your hose and fuss around, but now just put QuickDrain in and water is then forced up the tub and through the hose. This acts as a vacuum and quickly drains all the way to the bottom in 30-35 minutes.
If you only need vacuum, just use QuickVac. Shake it up and down until you see water flowing out of the hose. The patented technology helps you vacuum your tub in 3-4 minutes. These products also work great on above ground pools and fountains.
Spend more time enjoying your hot tub and less time cleaning it.
Easy to use: Simply shake it to prime and you’re draining. Best of all, it Vacuums as it Drains!™, eliminating the need to “towel out debris”.
Speed: It’s the fastest way to drain: Hot Tubs & Spas, Above Ground Pools and Pool Covers, Kids Pools, any above ground water source.
No Set-up Required: It comes fully assembled and no set-up is required. No need to find hoses or hook up extension cords.
Safe: No electricity is required. Works in all weather conditions.
Above Ground Tubs Only: Product is not meant for in-ground hot tubs.
Not as fast as a Sump Pump – but Much faster than a gravity drain: This device is not quite as fast as an electrical sump pump – however it does get all of the water out of the footwell, unlike a submersible pump that will leave an inch or two of standing water.