Hot Tub Care
Hot Tub Care For Your Hot Tub!

Spa Maintenance made Easy There are a few ways to maintain a hot tub that are both effective and easy.
The most common method is to use a programs such as a M-W-F (Monday-Wednesday-Friday program where you check the water and do certain things 3x/week for about 5 minutes a day.)
This involves making sure there is enough sanitizer in the water, checking and adjusting pH and cleaning the filter.
Hot Tub Filter Cleaning Primer
There are many ways to keep the hot tub filter clean including the use of overnight filter cleaner, filter cleaning devices or just plain water. Read more about how to clean a hot tub filter to find out all of the different ways hot tub owners are keeping their filters clean and in working order. The filter filters the water in the spa alot better when it is rinsed off regularly.
New Hot Tub Maintenance Method
A Water Conditioner or Treatment by Enzymes can reduce Chlorine or Bromine In Canada, Health Canada still stipulates the use of chlorine or bromine in hot tubs and pools, but enzyme treatments are being used around the world to almost completely replace chlorine. In any case, using enzyme water treatment can reduce the amount of chlorine or bromine needed along with the associated side effects of harsh chemicals as well as drastically reduce that chemical odor. See the Spa Marvel Trio on Amazon Canada for an alternative spa water care regime for Canada.
Spa Drain and Spa Vac
Draining a hot tub is easy with QuickDrain. There is no electricity required and the spa can be drained in about 30-35 minutes, plus this system also drains all the way down to the floor of the footwell so bailing out standing water is a thing of the past. QuickDrain hot tub drain and spa vac also removes gravel, sand, broken glass and other debris.
For a lighter application (just vacuuming instead of drain and vac, see QuickVac).
Makes removing the hot tub water easy (recommended about every 3 months with most spas) and the QuickDrain also vacuums at the same time, so you spend less time bailing and wiping – let the QuickDrain take care of emptying your tub for you. Only works in above ground applications, not for in-ground use.
Water Treatment Solutions
Bromine or Chlorine Sanitizer : Get spa chemicals online in Canada here.
Treating spa water with an ozonator can also reduce the amount of additional chlorine or bromine needed. Alternatively there are also salt water systems that either use bromine salts or chlorine salts to generate bromine or chlorine automatically in hot tubs. Mineral sticks are also a popular method of reducing the amount of strong chemicals needed to maintain a safe hot tub environment. Read more about natural water treatment for hot tubs.
Hot Tub Foam Problems
Foaming is mainly caused by lotions, soaps, detergents, cosmetics and other products being brought into the hot tub by bathing suits, hair or body. Rinsing off before hot tub use will decrease the foaming issues. Read more about how to prevent and treat hot tub foaming problems.
Cartridge Filter Cleaner
Overnight filter soak is the perfect solution for unclogging filter pores and extending the life of your cartridge filter. Keeping filter paper pores unclogged means clear water and less maintenance issues. Keep a second filter on hand to swap out filters during filter cleaning for uninterrupted use of your hot tub.
Read more about Overnight Cartridge Filter Cleaner.
Buy Filters in Bulk
Money-saving filter 4-packs or multi-packs will allow you to always have a clean filter on hand whenever the filter in use needs maintenance. Buying filters at the same time also saves on shipping cost and on time looking around for filters – as we all know a year rolls around faster than you think. Spa filters, according to most hot tub manufacturers, should be replaced annually depending on hot tub use.
In order to find the 4-packs available, simply enter your filter model number in the search box at the top of this page and find the filter page. Then click on the “find filter” button and look in the description for the 4-pack link. Email us at with any questions about finding the right filter or accessory for your hot tub.
A Pre-Filter Eliminates Contaminants with Every New Hot Tub Water Refill
Using a hot tub pre-filter when filling your spa helps to remove contaminants and chemicals in the water before they reach your hot tub. Start out with really fresh, clean water by filtering the water that comes out of your garden hose. One X10 hot tub water pre-filter on Amazon Canada lasts for about 3-4 refills, or an entire year.
Use a pre filter when refilling your spa and eliminate water problems right off the bat.
Get discount hot tub parts and accessories
Hot tub Chemicals available in Canada include:
SpaBoss Bromine Tabs which have less odor than Chlorine and can be used with either a floating chemical dispenser or an integrated dispenser.
These bromine pucks are the 1″ diameter ones so they fit inside most dispensers. Bromine off-gasses at higher temperatures than chlorine, making it an ideal sanitizer for hot tub water.
Clean Bacteria and Gunk out of Your Hot Tub’s Plumbing Lines
Use Ahh-Some to get deep into your spa plumbing lines and hoses and be sure your hot tub water is really clean. The best time to use Ahh Some is between water changes. Just add a tablespoon of product to your hot tub water and follow the directions. Then drain the spa and wipe down. Refill and enjoy crystal clear water. As there are many feet of hot tub hoses and plumbing inside every hot tub, this product helps you reach deep down into the actual plumbing to remove lingering gunk and bacteria before a fresh refill. Get rid of Biofilm with Ahh-Some!
Read more about Ahh-Some spa water cleaner on our blog.
This green Frog floater holds a bromine cartridge and a mineral cartridge. This makes for a very convenient way to be sure the spa water is sanitized and also adds the minerals so you don’t need a separate mineral stick.
When the cartridge is empty, the frog floater lists to one side. Simply replace with a replacement cartridge.
Need spa chemicals in the States? Contact our friends “south of the border” at Hot Tub Outpost.